ION AR x    Ai i AhiL.  ,bI.1 r. A. (7blbib,ib,.  or is & Gs. 
t. MLAaN. In& 
-1 dO       IF F i-F     F   F :rI     --F-~-d--          .             
                 F   I   V     -  - 
1. From-reenlands  - cy mountains, From In- dia's cor - &I strand, Where
A- ic's sun ny foun - talns Roll down their gold-en sand; From many an an
-,,V.-_._.*    *_ * 
2. What though the spi- cy 
I              I                             I 
i-            j    ! i      i   i     -- 
breez - es   Blow soft o'er Cey - ton's isle,  Though eve-ry  pros-pect pleas
- es,  And on - ly  man is    vile?   In  vain with lay - ish 
3. Shall we whose souls are lighted, 
With wisdom from on high. 
Shall we to men benighted 
The lamp of life deny? 
Salvation !-O salvation! 
The joyful sound proclaim, 
Till earth's remotest nation 
Has learned Messiah's name. 
4. Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, 
And you, ye waters, roll, 
Till, like a sea of glory, 
It spreads from pole to pole 
Till o'er our ransomed nature 
The Lamb for sinners slain, 
Redeemer, King, Creator, 
In bliss returns to reign. 
R 0 M A I N E.  26th P. M. (76,76,76,76).  Or 7s & 6s. 
dI~f.W lLt 
iLl     -  .      *_1    '  J   i-    -- 
Whenshall the voiceof   sing - Ing  Flow joy-ful - ly  a - long?   Whenhill
and val- 
ey ring - ing    With one tri   umph-ant song, Pro-claim the contest end
- ed, 
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