Rev. A. D. MEfRIMIi. 
1. Joy - ful - ly, joy - ful - ly  on - ward I move,  Bound for the land
  of bright spirits a - bove; 
An -gel-ic     chor- ist - ere, sing  as  I come, " Joy - ful - ly.
joy - ful - ly  haste to thy home," f  Soon, with my pil - grim-age
end - ed be-low 
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I Friends fond- ly  cherished have passed on be -fore,  Wait -ing, they watch
a  approach-ing the shore ; 
Sing - ing  to cheer me through death's chilling gloom, "Joy-fl- ly,
joy -  ly  haste to thy home.'  Soundsof sweetmel     - dy  fall on my ear,

3. Death, with thy  weapons  of   war lay me    low, Strike, King of ter
- rors, I  fear not thy blow; 
Je - sus hath bro -ken  the  bars of the tomb:      Joy-ful - ly, joy - ful
- ly  will I go home. t   Bright will the  morn of  a - ter - ni- ty dawn.

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