No. 8. 
-10-o .. 
The syllables Do, Re, Mi, &c., are not much recommended for the eulti.

vation of the voice; better to use the syllable Ah, and the different vow-

els, particularly o and oo. 
No. 9 
- p~N-  -- -- 
Li           d'- 
NO. Io. 
I T  ............... a... ......................shI .... ... 
1! 1 )-- f.W r- IE  i  r  m 
.......... lni ..................  1.......... 
9i A ~   r  - 
........... ahl ......................aI. 
No. 1L.-Sing to the swell sound of each syllable through each slur. 
' -    ........  Re   -W W-  wow-  -W  - 
. .....   Re ..............MiW............  ..... 
Mi..............  Fa . ............  Fa..............  Sol ........ 
No. 12. 
]1) ~ ~~ r'----i  I  - I1.l.dlll   [! tI il- 
No, 15-Practice with the syllabic La. 
H U P- . r- 
!~arzzU zlzzfi.11..L ii I Li II I 1.' II I !. ii 
-mop R! F low       1             1 W -lip F-EF .          U 
q  ,  * .*  I   I -"   i s 
Ah!l             *  l!*              a   ......   ... 
ah oI. oooo... . .   o   . ........  .......... .. .. 
No. 13,-Practice this to Ah and 0. 
0{  FI i P Im"    I I..pI*1     t  II.   i  I, i -   r-in   i  i'  
No. li-Continue the swell sound of each syllable through the measure. 
I                               ==mop - F7157FF 
10P.-                           V   dp 
f- F  FIP-F Wdo , I 
F I " 
so jol 
A V 
0- -       --%  - 
t  Do.....  Re,, ......  Do.    -