0 L I P H A N T.-Concluded. 
, 'Al 
joy ful  news of heaven-ly birth; Bear the tid - Ings-Bear the tid -ings-
Tid -Ingsof  the Sav-lor'sworth,  Tid - ings of the Sav- Iot'sworth. 
I   - l     __ I,                  * .              ,-    ..            
   . .   .      .   . .  ..I 
,,   r          1    ,.       ,                       .      ...        
at  I    o, l,,[,   I  k i..    ,.  . .  - .;.1    T. 
Pub -li free - dom  to  the slave; Bless - ed free-dom I-Bless - ed  free
- dom fFree - dom Zi - on's chil . dren have,  Free-dom Zi - on'. chil -
dren have. 
-- ---                          r      r   r   r                        _
   .       -     . 
U.0 7 
Vth ox . om6              M E R C Y.-Hymn. 8th P. M. (87, 87, 47).      
        Or 8s, 7s & 4s. 
1. HarkIthevoiceof love an mer - cy      o"d-lodfro.      a-va - ry:
    See,  itreadsthe rocks asne            the earth, and vels the 
2. It  is fln-sb'd!Owhatplea-sure       Do these precouswords af-ford!  Heaven-lybless-ings,
with-out meas-ure,  Flow to 4 from Christ the 
,iii       -     !,,  1*lI       I       t.      .  .            IP     
               am.                          '.     ..     .. 
It  is fin   ish'd:     It  is  fAn- lhed:     Hear the dy-ing Sxv-lorcry,
Hear the dying av-ior cry.  A  - - men. 
Lord            It  is fin - sh'd:     It  is  fin - ish'd:-  Saints, the
dy - Lng words record, Saints, the dying worda record.  A: -  men. 
I-I                                    I:: -                            
                               -   - 
IV                                               " 