NASSAU. 7th P. M. (8 lines 7s.1                      18i 
HASTINGS. From Manhattan Coll. By penmssl+e. 
_                       I -.  . , ..   ...                   -   ., -I  
, _ t ' .. . 
i. Lift your eyes of   faith, and  see Saints and an - gels joined in  one:
 What a  count-less com-pa - fy Stand be- fore yon dass-ling throne I 
. S   it, be   g     ,.n the     ,, - less.,ong;,in heavl            ls,-l
  --                              ,     t, ___ 
2. Saints, be - gin  Lhe  end - less song ;Cry  a - loud, in heavenly  lays,
 Glo- ry  doth to  God be - long ;God the  glo -rinau  Sa -viour praise*

__                 _      _       -__                     -   -         
Each be - fore  his   Sa -viour stands, All in  whit - est robes ar - rayed;
Palms they car - ry  in their hands, Crowns of glo - ry  on  their head.

All sal -va -tion    from him came, Him   who reigns enthroned on   high:
Glo -ry    to   the   bleed-ing Lamb,LTA the   monIng stars re - ply. 
ELTH       A M.      7th  P. x.       (8 lines 7s.)                   From
Car. Sac. By ermissia. 
T--- -- ---                                                             
                  I                                                 0  GO
d Come. and let  us sweet-ly join, Christ to praise in hymns di - vine :

Give we all,  with one ac-cord, Glo-ry to     our   on-mon Lord:f       
Hands, andhearts, and voi-ces raise;       Sing as in   the an-eientdays;

D.    An - te - date the joys a - bove, Cel - a - brate ths feast of  love.