.   - - ,  ,          .   ...         ,-       ,     I   ,_ III         
      ,     i                                                      f.. .
 ,L  1JLL- 
i    Row sweet - ly flowed the gos *pel sound From lips of gen -tie- -ness
 and grace, Whlen list' -ning thoM auds gath - ered round, And joy  and glad-ness
fil ed  the -place. 
L                                                                 - 
1. Stay, thou in-suited Spirit, stay, Tho'   I have done thee such despite
;Cast not a sinner quite a - way, Nor take thine ev-er-last-ing flight. 
No. 1.I 
2. Tho' I have mostunfaithful been     Of all who e'er th  y grace received,Ten
thousand times thy goodness seen,Ten thousand times thy go-   -odness grievedl,-

I      Yet, 0, the ehief of sinners spare, In  hon -or of my great High Priest
;Nor,in thy righteous anger,swear I shall not see thy people's rest. 
I 4.   My wea - ry soul, 0 God,release; Uphold me with thy gracious hand;
O, guide me in-to perfect peace, And hring me to the promised land.   No.3.
Bold.                                TEJUCO.             L. K. 
,  .          ---#--        .-j #         .    --...          -     f-- 
        -It       ...z---                                               
1. Soon may the last, glad song arise,Thro' all the myriads of the skies,That
song of triumph which records,That all the earth is now the Lord's, That
all the, &c. 
* l           --       -   ,'      '       *-, h-V                      
                                -                  I     II-T- 
.. ..                                                                   
                                ,''        .... 
2. Let thrones,and powers~and kingdoms,be Obedient,mighty God,to thee ;And
over land,and stream,and mainNow wave mne sceptre of thy reign. Now wave
the, &c. 
3. 0, let that glorious anthem swell;Let host to host the triumph tell, That
not one rebel heart remains, But o - ver all the Saviour reigns, But o-ver
all the Sasvour reigns.