SiELY TIKR0 IOTIER TEIL        For Close or Commeneenent of the Year, or
Innlversarles In gener1.- 
INet See 1low.             Vres.                 in           Ore 
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1. Sefe-ly, safely, through another year, Though unworthy, God hath kept
us here; Ho-ly  Fa-ther hear us in our song, Guide, 0 guide to our e -ter-nal
-r-u ----r-rs   .   m--r         r~1-         r-rT-.r        r   l-     tr,
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2. Keepus, keepusthroughtheeomingyear, Heavenly Father, be thou ever near;
 Safely, safely, guide ns on our way,  Till we meet in heavense-ter-nalday;
Safely, smfbly, to 
3. Safely, safely, through the future lead, Help, 0 help us In our times
of need I Hear us, hear ui, lead us on our way  To a home in heavn's eternal
day, Safely, safely, 
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Safely, safely, to  an a-tar-nil day, > Safely to heaven's eternal day,
Safay, safely, 0 safely to heaven's eternal day, Safely, safely, 0 safely
to heaven's e- ter - nal  day. 
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beaven'.      to bven's eternal day, Safely    to heavens eternal day,  .......
       to heave's eternal day, Safely, safely, 0 safely to heaven's, - ter
- nil  day. 
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Safely, safely, to heaven's sternal day,  Safely to heaven's eternal day,
Safely, safely, 0 safely to heaven's eternal day .. .... hetven'se
- tar - nil  day. 
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