0RE STE S.           9th   P. M.      (87.87,87,87.)        1-. TRoBUSON.
Fr,,, Z,,. M. My p,.,..7. 1 93 
1. Vain are all    ter - re  trial pleasures; Mixed with dross the pur -
eat gold; Seek we then for heavenly  treasures, Treaures nay -er wau - ing
-+I-              Ii                                                    
                I  .i                    I   I     I   I n 
2. Eath-        o     long er please us;   ewould we     re-nounce them all;
Seek our on    ly   rest in  J6 - Bsm, Hi our lTrd and Ms - ter eall. 
1- --                                                             -  _/ 4/

____________.________._______,________________________________] I       
#1    * 
I                        t     I        I        ILJ                    
                                  -I-,ii *               i   iI 
Let  our best af - fec -tions cen - re On  the things .a - round the throne:
There no thief can ev - er  en- ter; Moth and  rust are there nn-known. 
Fsith,our lan-guldspi-ritheeer-ing, Pointsto bright-er woridai  -bove; Bids
us   look for his   ap- pear-ing; "d us    tri-umph in    his love.

BARTIXEUS.                 9th P. N.        (87,87.) 
Fn                                                        0             
1. Ught of those whose drea - ry dwell-ing  Bor - ders on  the shades of
death, Come, and, by  thy-self re - veal-ing,  Dis - si - pate the clouds
be - neath. 
Thou, new heaven and earth's Ore-a - tor,  In   our deep- eat  dark-ness
rise;  Set- t'ring all the night of na - ture, Pouri"g day up- on  our
10. 5. W s.-141