Point Line.. American Point Body.. American Point Set
3A $1000  4 a750  $1750  1 20 POINT  3A $1000  4a$780 81750
3 A$715 4 a$4 85 $12 00  96 POINT  3 A$7 15 4 a$4 85 81200
linds                      fLUSH
4A $580  5a $3 70  $950  72 POINT  4A $580  5a $370  $950
NTOR HumIler
5a$8285 87800 OINT                   4 A $4  B 5a  2 85 87850
iRk           TheSlifm fOe
Of the famous Florentine Bold
7a$290 8680  trio is the series shown here,  30 P   BA $2 1  8 a 19  8400
m ade in eleven sizes. The job
printer and newspaper adman   SPLENDO
will appreciate this face forthe
large lines in narrow columns  How  Gredt
IOriginated and Made only ky
d i                     18, POINT  9 A $1 25 ISa $1 25 $2 50
12a 8188 8300  Am   rican erN,ffE EXAMPLES
tNSHIP                             Forfeit $29 Posted
10OPOINT  1 A $0 90 32 a$1 10 82 00
28a  25 $2 25                      Deserving Immediate Popularit
DOW!D HERE   FURders luIoIUy       S POINT 18 A  080 36  9 $0  $1
, _  __,__              THREIE FLORENTINt BOLD TYPE SERIES
Adaptability                       American Liming, Point Body, Point Set
ad State , a1d regsn   ie England
loreine Bold Extra (oRdensed A