When Hoffmann Brothers Company of Chicago opened a manufactory in Mani-
towoc Mr. Jacobson was given charge of the plant. He had previously become
a part owner and had also acted for one year as secretary and treasurer.
was made vice president and recently has been elected to the presidency.
firm employs about fifty people and is one of the most progressive manufactur-
ing companies of Manitowoc. Mr. Jacobson's position with the house is one
of large responsibility, demanding keen executive ability as well as the
power to
keep in mind and successfully control the almost numberless details of the
In Chicago, on the U7th of January, i9oi, Mr. Jacobson was married to
Miss Rose Janesovsky, a daughter of Mrs. Rose Janesovsky. To Mr. and Mrs.
Jacobson one daughter, Irene Ethel, has been born. She is at present attending
public school. Mr. Jacobson retains an independent attitude in politics,
his support to the man or principle involved rather than according to party
tates. The family reside at 10I5 South Eighteenth street, Manitowoc. Al-
though he is still a young man, Mr. Jacobson gives promise of continuing
as a
most successful business man if the same principles govern his later life
have been dominant thus far.
The Manitowoc Daily Herald is owned and published by the Herald-Press
Publishing Company and is controlled by the following officers: Horal Nelson,
president; W. D. Nelson, secretary; W. F. Ohde, vice president and manager;
and E. W. Mackey, editor. The Herald was founded on the i9th of October,
i898, by Horal Nelson, W. F. Brandt and M. T. Gettings of Monroe, Wiscon-
sin, and was published as the Daily Herald, being at that time the first
paper published in Manitowoc for twenty years. In i900 the Weekly Times-
Press was consolidated with the Herald and has since been published as the
Weekly Times-Press, with the Daily Herald as its daily issue, under the firm
style of the Herald-Press Publishing Company. The present members of the
company have been continuously identified therewith since its organization
i898. The daily publication has a certified circulation of twenty-seven hundred,
while that of the weekly journal is seven hundred. The plant is equipped
with a
pony cylinder press, and employment is furnished to fifteen people.
E. W. Mackey, the editor of the Manitowoc Daily Herald, was born in Green
county, Wisconsin, on the I2th of February, 1876, and obtained his education
in the public schools, being a member of the class of 1892 in the Monroe
school. After putting aside his text-books he was employed by a wholesale
concern for a short time and then engaged in newspaper work on the Monroe
