twenty-four feet, still another being added three years later, sixteen by
two feet. Finding that his work did not keep him busy all of the time, however,
he set out to win and secured, the office of pathmaster of the fourth ward,
soon became pathmaster of the city, a position which he held for four terms.
The wages of this office, were twelve shillings per day, and his task consisted
of taking charge of the men. He also acted as poll-tax collector, receiving
per cent of his collections, and he then began conducting a milk route, keeping
sixteen cows, a business which he sold to H. Rumlow. Later he engaged again
in the same line of business on a larger scale but disposed of this business
and remained in the city of Two Rivers for five years, when he secured his
present tract of forty acres, which at the time of purchase was entirely
with stumps. He grubbed and cleared this land and put it under cultivation
and has since erected thereon a barn, twenty-four by forty-two feet, a green-
house, which contains six thousand feet of glass, and a handsome dwelling
twenty-six by thirty-six feet, and carries on successfully general farming
an extensive floral business. In addition to these properties Mr. Hartung
is also
interested in the Realty Land Company of Two Rivers.
In i886 Mr. Hartung was united in marriage to Miss Caroline Rado and they
are the parents of three children: Meta, a graduate of the Two Rivers high
school and the Oshkosh Normal, who is now a teacher in the Dunbar high school;
and Norbert and Corleatha, both graduates of the Two Rivers high school.
and Mrs. Hartung celebrated their silver wedding anniversary in i9ii. Mr.
Hartung, who has been more or less active in political matters, although
he is
not tied up with any of the old parties and votes independent, has served
as alder-
man in the city council for two years.
Adam Klein, an undertaker, conducting business at I7I2 West Park street,
was born near Wiesbaden, Germany, April I7, i866, his parents being Adam
Elizabeth (Meisner) Klein, both of whom passed away in their native country.
After acquiring his education in his native land Adam Klein came to America
i884, locating immediately with an uncle, George Klein, upon a farm. He re-
mained there for one year and during that time gained some knowledge of the
English language and also acquired experience in American methods of work
and business. Later he went to Manitowoc where he was employed by Carl
Sanders for one year. At the end of that time he came to Two Rivers and began
learning the cabinet maker's trade with the Hamilton Manufacturing Company,
with whom he was connected for seven years. At that time he purchased the
Harry Wilsman Furniture Store, which he has since been operating in conjunc-
tion with his undertaking business. His venture proved a success from the
ginning. Each year his trade has increased until his establishment is now
known throughout Two Rivers and vicinity. Mr. Klein has gained for himself
an enviable reputation by reason of his conscientious work, and his. is one
of the
most popular furniture stores and undertaking establishments in the city.