Class of Boat-Steel Stone Lighter, I905. Built for Great Lakes Dredge &
Dock Co., Chicago, Ill.
Class of Boat-Steel Fire Boat;, i908. Name-"Joseph Medill." Gross
Tons-298. Built for City of Chicago.
Class of Boat-Steel Fire Boat, i9o8. Name-"Graeme Stewart."   
Tons-298. Built for City of Chicago.
Class of Boat-Steel Sand Barge, i908.     Name-"H. Dahlke."   
Tons-45o. Built for Lake Sand Co., Chicago, Ill.
Class of Boat-Steel Passenger Steamer, i9o9. Name-"United States."
Gross Tons-I,374. Built for Indiana Transportation Co., Chicago, Ill.
Class of Boat-Steel Freight Lighter, igog.   Name-"James A. Pugh."
Gross Tons-4oi. Built for Chicago Lighterage Co., Chicago, Ill.
Class of boat-Steel U. S. Survey & Inspection Steamer, i909. Name-
"Manitowoc." Gross Tons-I74. Built for U. S. Engineers Dept., Milwaukee,
Class of Boat-Steel Passenger Steamer, i910. Name-"Alabama." Gross
Tons-2,626. Built for Goodrich Transit Co.
Class of Boat-Steel Freight Lighter, i910.     Name-"Adele."  
Tons-402. Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Class of Boat Steel Sand Barge, igio. Name-"M. Hausler." Gross
Tons-6o9. Built for Lake Sand Co., Chicago, Ill.
Class of Boat-Steel Freight Lighter, i9i0. Name-"Harvester." Built
for International Harvester Co., Chicago, Ill.
Class of Boat-Steel Car Float, i910. Built for Chicago River & Indiana
R. R.
Co., Chicago.
Class of Boat-Steel Freight Lighter, i9ii. Name-"Commerce." Gross
Tons-28o. Built for Merchants Lighterage Co., Chicago, Ill.
Class of Boat-i9 Steel Dump Scows, Total Cubic Yard Capacity, I2,I00.