gineer by profession; and Walter, a student in the State University. The
residence at No. 9I3 South Thirteenth street was designed by Mr. Gielow.
age conferred upon him the right of franchise he has supported the men and
measures of the democracy. In the county where the greater part of his life
been spent he enjoys an enviable reputation as a respected and representative
John A. Murphy, who during the past fifteen years has been interested in
furniture and undertaking business in Manitowoc, was for a long period engaged
in farming and stock-raising in Cato township, Manitowoc county, but is now
living practically retired. He 'Was born in Ohio, May I4, i850, and is a
son of
Michael and Johanna (Slotrey) Murphy. Michael Murphy was born in Ireland,
and as a youth learned the trade of carpenter, following it until his marriage.
i848, shortly after that event he came to the United States, settling first
in Ohio.
In the fall of 1854 he came to Manitowoc county, buying wild land in Cato
township, and there he was engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death.
was prominent in civic affairs, serving as a member of the township board
many years, and was twice sent to the state assembly. He and his wife had
family of eleven children, of whom two died in infancy, and five sons and
daughter still survive.
John A. Murphy received his education in the public schools, and as a young
man worked on his father's farm and in the mills in the vicinity of his home
was also employed for seven years in railroad work. He then purchased a farm
in Cato township, and for twenty years was engaged in breeding fine horses.
About 1897 Mr. Murphy bought an interest in Vogelsang's furniture and under-
taking business, and in i899 he brought his family to this city, where he
has since
resided. Mr. Murphy, like his father, was prominent in township politics
in Cato
township, and for three years was chairman of the board of supervisors.
On February 23, i88o, Mr. Murphy was married to Mary Savage, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Savage, natives of Ireland, and early settlers of Mani-
towoc Rapids township, Manitowoc county. One child was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Murphy, whose death occurred during infancy. He and his wife are devout
members of the Catholic church, and he holds membership in the Catholic Order
of Foresters, the Catholic Knights and the Knights of Columbus.
John C. Kellner, who is conducting a feed, flour, produce and farming ma-
chinery business at Manitowoc, is one of the city's well known business men.
He was born May 23, I855, in Kellnersville, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin,
and is a son of Michael and Mary (Allt) Kellner. Joseph Kellner, the grand-
father of John Kellner, was born in Neumark, Bohemia, and brought his family
