at Two Rivers, who entertains him with an account of the origin of his tribe.
i8o0-Illinois Territory created including what is now Michigan and Wis-
consin. The lands of our county continued in St. Clair county.
i8i6-i7- In this winter Mr. Bouteiller was the licensed trader among the
natives at Two Rivers.
i8i8-Michigan Territory organized including Wisconsin, our county was
then included in Brown county.
i8I8-Col. Abraham Edwards with seven canoemen pass Manitowoc and Two
Rivers where the lake was lined with Indians spearing fish.
i82i-Dr. William S. Madison, post surgeon at Fort Howard, while on a
furlough, homeward bound for Kentucky, is shot from ambush by Ketauhah, a
Chippewa Indian, near Francis Creek on the Green Bay Road. The murderer
is hanged at Detroit in the following December.
i825-Colonel William S. Hamilton, son of Alexander Hamilton, with a
drove of cattle for the Green Bay garrison, passes along the Green Bay Road.
i827-Chief Mexico signs the treaty of Butte de Morts.
I828-Chief Mexico signs the treaty of Green Bay.
i829-Chief Mexico signs the treaty of Prairie du Chien.
i83i- The Menominee tribe sold to the United States all that territory in-
cluding Manitowoc county east of Green Bay, Fox River, Lake Winnebago
and the Milwaukee River.
I832-Joshua I. Boyd granted a trader's license to trade at Two Rivers, Nee-
shotiwajoc, but was murdered by a drunken Chippewa before reaching his des-
i833-Chief Mexico signs the treaty of Chicago.
i833-36-Alexis Clermont carries mail along the Green Bay Road from
Green Bay to Chicago on foot with an Oneida Indian for companion. The trip
including return occupied one month.
1835-Survey of Menominee Purchase of i83I complete and lands opened
for settlement.
i835, August 3-First entry of land in county that of Louis Fizette and Wil-
liam Jones at Manitowoc.
i835, Sept. io-First entry of land at Two Rivers by Daniel Wells, Jr., S.
W. Beal and Morgan L. Martin.
i836-William and Benjamin Jones of Chicago and other land speculators
organize the Manitowoc Land Company-best known as Jones, King & Company.
1836, July 3-Wisconsin set off from Michigan, becomes Wisconsin Terri-
i836, Dec. 7-Manitowoc county set off from Brown by act of legislature.
I837-A sawmill built by Thayer, Rouse & Thompson on Manitowoc River
at Thayersville, now Heins' Mill. Robert M. Eberts and Judge John P. Arndt
built a sawmill at Two Rivers. A sawmill built at Rapids by Jacob Conroe.
sawmill built at Neshoto by Stringham & Burnham.
I837, July-First postoffice in county established at Manitowoc Rapids. J.
Conroe, postmaster. Two mails weekly. Francis Flynn, mailcarrier.
1837-Population of county about i8o. Manitowoc 6o; Two Rivers and
Rapids each about 40; Thayersvlile 20;-dwindling to 6o in all in the fall