cation but was obliged to leave high school at the age of fourteen. He then
accepted employment with the Two Rivers Woodenware Company and the
Hamilton Manufacturing Company until he formed a partnership with Peter
H. Scherer, establishing the business which is at present conducted by Mr.
ringer. His long connection with the business has made him thoroughly familiar
with the trade in every department. He is reliable, systematic and thorough
all he undertakes, and his work has been of marked value to the company.
also acts as agent for the Wadhams Oil Company. Mr. Boehringer has secured
a large trade for this company, which extends over this and surrounding
On the 27th of September, i893, Mr. Boehringer was married to Miss Hulda
Kasten, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kasten, who were among the pioneer
settlers of Two Rivers. The father's death occurred in i91 i when he was
eighty-nine years of age. To Mr. and Mrs. Boehringer six children were born:
Florence and Earl, who are attending school; Helen and Hulda, twins, three
years of age; and Roy and Orpha, both deceased, the former having died in
I905 at the age of eight years and the latter having passed away in infancy.
The family reside at I605 Seventeenth street, in the comfortable home which
was erected by Mr. Boehringer in I907, and is one of the substantial buildings
the vicinity. He owns also the old homestead. Politically Mr. Boehringer
is a
democrat. He has served as supervisor of the county for nine years and has
been judge of the police court for two terms: He holds membership in the
man Lutheran church.
Mr. Boehringer is an affable and pleasant man and has a wide circle of friends
all over the county. Actuated by a laudable desire for advancement, and recog-
nizing the fact that upon his own labors depend his success, he has made
ment step by step in the business world until his achievements have brought
to a remunerative and responsible position.
Albert W. Damrow, foreman of the finishing department of the Kiel Fur-
niture Company, has been employed in this plant ever since he left school,
period of almost twenty years. His birth occurred in the village of Wollin,
North Germany, on the I7th of April, 1879, his parents being William and
Christina (Blumreich) Damrow. The father is now fifty-eight years of age,
having been born on December 22, i853, while the mother is fifty-one. They
have long been residents of Kiel, the father likewise being an employe of
Kiel Furniture Company. They are the parents of five children, of whom our
subject is the eldest, the others being as follows: William, who is at home;
Anna, the wife of William Bauman, who is employed in the power plant at
Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Richard, who is a wood finisher working in Milwaukee;
and Ernest, who is still at home.
As he was still very young when his parents emigrated to the United States,
in the acquirement of his education Albert W. Damrow attended the public
schools of Plymouth until he was fourteen years of age. He then became an