"Resolved, That the bond of L. H. House as town superintendent of schools
be approved of."
At the present time the town is divided into seven districts, all of which
have model schoolhouses, with the exception of District No. 3, which is con-
templating the erection of a new school the coming summer. (1905.)
In the '50s this district (No. 3) was a joint district with what is now known
as the school section of Mishicot town and the first school stood on Peter
meyer's land. Some years later, about the time of the Civil war, this district
was formed and the old log schooW which is illustrated in this book, was
by Henry Goedjen, Sr. and Henry Wilke, Sr.
The first Shoto school stood on what is now Fred Jachimsthal's land on the
summit of the hill near the old cemetery. The old Townline school (District
5) stood about half a mile further east on Markwardt's farm. The original
schoolhouses of the other districts all stood about where the present schools
In 1877, Town Clerk Felix Walsh received a notice from the clerk of Mani-
towoc county that it was the determination of the county board to divide
town of Two Rivers as follows:
"The whole of section one (I) in township No. nineteen (i9) north range
twenty-four (24) east and the south one-half ('2) of section thirty-six (36),
township No. 20, north of range 24 east, shall be set off from said Town
of Two
Rivers, and shall be known as the village of Two Rivers and the remainder
of the
town shall be known and reorganized as the Town of Two Rivers."
A few weeks later, in March, i878, the following interesting notice appeared
in two successive issues of the Manitowoc County Chronicle:
"Notice is hereby given to all parties having unsettled claims or demands
any kind against the Town of Two Rivers, or orders on the town treasury that'
the same must be presented for payment or settlement on or before Monday,
the 25th inst., as the account of said town will be closed on that day and
following day at two o'clock P. M. the report will be read and the money
hand divided according to the order of the County Board of Supervisors dividing
the town from the village.
"Dated March 12, I878.
"By the order of the Board of Supervisors,
"FELIX WALSH, Town Clerk."
B. Wilkins and B. F. Richter constituted the committee representing the
village to meet Ed. Stollberg, A. Rutz and Henry Wilke, Sr. a committee of
town to make a financial settlement.
The first election under the present organization of the town of Two Rivers
was held the first Tuesday in April, I878, at the house of Herman Goedjen.
The following officers were elected: Chairman, Henry Goedjen; supervisors,
Carl Schlundt, Fred Stueck; treasurer, Diedrich Dicke; clerk, Fred Schwartz.