makes his home with the subject of this sketch. To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kiel
were born four children: Robert; Emma, who is the wife of Herman Spoent-
gen, of Manitowoc; Hugo, who married Grace Maine, residing in Port Wash-
ington, Wisconsin; and Richard, who married Mabel Surplice and they live
Kiel, Wisconsin.
Robert Kiel has always lived on the homestead farm. He obtained a com-
mon-school education and since then has devoted his time and attention to
cultivation and further improvement of the place, of which he has been the
active manager since i9io. He has modern ideas in regard to farming and
stock-raising and keeps high-grade cattle and stock. Mr. Kiel is one of the
prosperous men of his section, wide awake to the best interests of his commu-
nity, family and self, and a stockholder in the Manitowoc and Northern Tele-
phone Company. He was married December 24, 19IO, to Miss Adelia Schuette,
a native of Kossuth township and a daughter of Otto Schuette.
Albert D. Krumdick, who owns and operates eighty acres of the old Krum-
dick homestead farm in the town of Kossuth, was born on his present property,
Julv I3, I854, and is a son of John D. and Catherine Krumdick. John D. Krum-
dick, who was a native of Hanover, Germany, was a shoemaker by trade and
came to the United States as a young man, locating in Milwaukee for two years,
and then purchasing three hundred and twenty acres of wild land in the town
Kossuth. A hard working man he cleared a great deal of his land, and he was
engaged in cultivating his property until his death, February I3, i886, at
the age
of seventy-five years. He was an ardent republican in politics, and a member
the Lutheran church, in the work of which he took a great interest. His first
wife, Catherine Krumdick, a native of Germany, died in the town of Kossuth
leaving three children: Daniel, of Manitowoc; Albert D.; and Louisa, wife
Flenry Wilkie, of Two Rivers. His second marriage was to Miss M/fay Hessel,
also a native of Germany, and she died in the town of Kossuth, having been
mother of two children: Jacob, a farmer of this town; and Mary, who married
Mathias Tiel, of Chicago. Mr. Krumdick's third wife bore the maiden name
Johannah Steinbiss, and she is also deceased.
Albert D. Krumdick was educated in both German and English, and until he
was twenty-six years of age resided on the home farm, working for his father.
On May 26, 1879, he was married to Miss Fedes Hessel, of the town of Kossuth,
daughter of Casper and Theresa (Straka) Hessel, the former a native of Ger-
many and the latter of Bohemia. Mr. Hessel was a tailor by trade and took
wild land in the town of Kossuth, where he died in I897, his wife passing
in i906. In their family were the following children: Mary, the wife of Peter
Komel, of Kossuth; Anton, a brewer in California; Mrs. Krumdick; Quirin,
ing in Escanaba, Michigan; Theresa, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin; Annie, also
Eau Claire; Julia, deceased; and John, of California.
After his marriage, Mr. Krumdick located on his present farm, and he en-
gages in general farming and stock-raising. He is a republican in politics,