time and on many occasions he had to carry flour on his back from Manitowoc
and Two Rivers to the little log cabin home which he had erected to replace
old one. After remaining on this land for three years, Mr. Levenhagen traded
it for a house and two acres of village property, and for a number of years
employed in the gristmill that had been built by Ira Clark and Alfred Smith.
For a number of years previous to his death, which occurred in i896, in his
seventy-second year, he was the proprietor of a saloon. Politically he was
democrat. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and also
assisted in the work of the Lutheran church of Mishicot, of which he was
member. His widow, who was born December 23, 1826, still survives and
makes her home with her son Charles. The following children were born to
this worthy couple in America: Louis, Tilda, Fred, Mary, Ernst, Ira, Sophia
and William, the last-named being now deceased.
Charles Levenhagen received his education in the common schools of his
vicinity and as a youth learned the trade of miller, which he followed in
waunee county for six or seven years. Previous to this he had conducted
a store for some time, which was destroyed by fire. He erected the first
roller mill in Mishicot, known as the Mishicot Roller Mills, which he operated
for about six years, and on his return from Kewaunee county, he purchased
saloon property of a Mr. Hollenberg, in Mishicot, which he conducted for
or nine years, at the end of which time he erected the fine hotel and opera
of which he is at the present time proprietor.
In I870 Mr. Levenhagen was married to Miss Eureka Schrieber, who was born
March 5, I852, in Sheboygan county, a daughter of Frank and Dorothea Schrie-
ber, natives of Germany, who came to America in I85o and were early settlers
of Sheboygan county, from whence they moved to Manitowoc county in I853
and located in the town of Mishicot. They spent the remainder of their lives
on a farm, and both died at the age of sixty-four years. Mr. and Mrs. Leven-
hagen have had the following children: Ida, born April 6, I87I; Charles,
died in infancy; May, born June i6, 1879; Leona, born April i8, 1883; Elsie,
born February i8, I885; and Arthur, born November 22, I889.
Though more than two decades have passed since Jarvis Eliphalet Platt
passed from the scene of earthly activities, he is still remembered by many
of the
older residents of Manitowoc county as a pioneer merchant and extensive land
owner and as a citizen whose labors contributed materially to the upbuilding
development of this region. His birth occurred in Saratoga county, New York.
on the 2oth of September, 18I5, his parents being Obadiah and Elizabeth
(Hawley) Platt. The father, a prosperous and energetic resident of the Em-
pire state, reared his family of eleven children on a farm near Lisbon, New
He was a man of influence in that community, enjoying the respect and confidence
of all who knew him. The Platts are of English descent.
Jarvis E. Platt acquired a good practical education in the common schools
and when not busy with his text-books assisted in the operation of the home