when Rev. Alexander Thompson assumed charge of the church. It was during
his ministrations that plans were laid for the erection of a new church.
the 20th of August, i906, a business meeting was called to consider the subject
of repairs in the old church, but at that meeting it was decided to use the
toward the erection of a new building. J. E. Hamilton, although not a member
of the church, offered to give a dollar for every dollar raised by the members,
and in this way the fund was started. He later gave $3,ooo additional, $2,5oo
the day of dedication and later $500 more. However, it was not until June
i908, that ground was broken for the new church, this being done by Mrs.
tha Hamilton, one of the oldest members of the church and still a resident
Two Rivers. The building was completed and dedicated March 7, g1909, at a
cost of $I4,000. It is built of red brick, the interior being of solid oak
in mission style. It is equipped with two large furnaces, has an auditorium,
day school room, room for the training class, dining room, kitchen, etc.,
all splen-
didly equipped in the most modern and up-to-date manner. On the i6th of July,
i908, a meeting was called and the name of the church made Grace Congrega-
tional, in memory of the deceased daughter of J. E. Hamilton, Mrs. Grace
ilton Sweeney. On Christmas of i9ii Mr. Hamilton presented the church with
a handsome pipe organ, which was installed the day previous. Rev. Thompson
remained with the church until 1907, when he was succeeded by Rev. D. R.
derson, who remained until i9ii, since which time the Rev. Joseph S. Morris
has ably filled the pulpit. The church now has a membership of 150, made
of people of different faiths, as this is the only English speaking church
in Two
Rivers. The Sunday school has an average attendance of I30 and there is a
prosperous young people's society with a membership of 25 and a Ladies' Aid
Society, also in good condition.
A Congregational church was established in Maple Grove in 1853, with a
membership of fourteen. Rev. Israel C. Holmes was the first regular pastor.
After an existence of about seven years, services were discontinued and the
gregation dissolved.
The Baptist denomination is not a very strong one in Manitowoc county but
still a number of churches have been established in various sections. The
one, however, in which the English language was used was established at School
Hill in i856, by Rev. Joseph Jeffreys. He was a Welshman and at the morning
service preached in the Welsh language, while in the evening services he
the English language. He remained but two years and for seventeen years fol-
lowing, no regular serrvices were held, with the exception of a short period
i863 when Rev. P. Work officiated. A new church was erected in i873 and two
years later Rev. H. A. Sears was sent to the parishes of School Hill and
mouth, in Sheboygan county. He remained three years, during which time the
membership was increased from thirty to fifty. In I879 Rev. W. H.. Whitelaw
served as pastor of the church and after he left, until i88i, the church
was with-
out a pastor, when for three years it was served by Rev. A. T. Miller of
boygan Falls, who held services on alternate Sundays. He was succeeded in
i884 by Rev. Edward Jones. After a year and while still in charge Rev. Jones