position with the Wisconsin Central Railroad, serving them in the same capacity
for five years, when he resigned his position and engaged in contract work
himself. Subsequently he assumed the duties of city engineer, which he con-
tinued to discharge until I904. Since withdrawing from public service he
maintained an office and has established a business as consulting engineer
At Muhiheim on the Ruhr on the i8th of October, I876, was celebrated the
marriage of Mr. Pitz to Miss Eliza Rettinghaus, and they have become the
of eight children, as follows: Henrietta, who married Dr. Chloupek, of Green
Bay, Wisconsin; Maria Elizabeth, a professional nurse, who was graduated
Trinity Hospital; Ernst Hugo, who was graduated from the Troy Polytechnic
Institute and is now first lieutenant in the United States Coast Artillery
Herman Arthur, a graduate of'the University of Wisconsin, who holds the posi-
tion of assistant city engineer at Grand Rapids, Michigan; Otto, who is also
the coast artillery service of the United States; Armin L., a student in
the State
University of Wyoming; and Joanita, who Is a student in the conservatory
of the
State University of Wisconsin. One child died in infancy.
Mr. Pitz is a member of the Sons of Herman, while in politics he is independ-
ent, giving his support to such men and measures as he deems best qualified
subserve the highest interests of the people. The family reside at 8i6 North
Twelfth street, where Mr. and Mrs. Pitz extend their hospitality to their
John Jens, who has been in the service of The William Rahr Sons' Company
of Manitowoc for twenty-eight years, was born in Rogetz, Germany, on the
of May, I859. He is a son of Fritz and Stenia (Peters) Jens, likewise natives
of Germany. The father, who was a laborer, emigrated to the United States
his family in i87I, locating in Manitowoc, where he passed the remainder
of his
life. He and the mother were members of the German Lutheran church, in the
faith of which they reared their family.
The education of John Jens was begun in the common schools of his native
country, where he passed the first twelve yearq of his life, and completed
in those
of Manitowoc county. After laying aside his text-books he went to work in
tannery, but five years later he gave up his position there and went to work
The William Rahr Sons' Company. He entered the service of this company in
the capacity of a shipping clerk, and that he proved efficient and capable
as well
as trustworthy and reliable is manifested by the length of his connection
them. During the intervening years he has been promoted until he is now super-
intendent of the shipping of The Kniepp Malt Food Company.
Mr. Jens was married on the 6th of April, i880, to Miss Bertha Schmidt, a
daughter of John Schmidt, a native of Germany,'and to them have been born
seven children. In order of birth they are as follows: Lydia, the wife of
Dickert, a carpenter- of Manitowoc, by whom she has had five children; Edward,
a machinist in the employ of The William Rahr Sons' Company, who is married