trict, which he attended for three months during the winters, and was reared
agricultural pursuits, his life being spent on the home farm until I895,
when he
was elected country treasurer, serving two years in that office. He had been
member of the county board for many years as well as a member of the asylum
board for a long period, and in I897 he was made superintenent of the county
asylum for the insane and in addition he has been chairman of the county
for fourteen years. His services in these capacities were satisfactory to
his con-
stituents and of credit to himself.
Mr. Goedjen was married in i868 to Catherine Wilke, who was born May 21,
I850, in Germany, daughter of Edwin and Ahnie (Wilkens) Wilke, natives of
the fatherland. Mrs. Goedjen's parents had nine children, two of whom died
Germany, while those who made the trip to the United States in i854 were
follows: Henry, a retired farmer of Two Rivers; Mrs. Catherine Goedjen;
Herman and Bernard, who are deceased; Carolina, who married Fred Maddens;
John, engaged in farming at Two Rivers; and Minnie, who married George
Cars, a retired citizen of Two Rivers. On coming to this country Mr. Wilke
chased wild land in Two Rivers township, and there was engaged in agricultural
pursuits during the remainder of his life, his death occurring on November
i896, while his wife passed away July 28, i864. They were active members
the Lutheran church.
Mr. and Mrs. Goedjen have had six children, as follows: Minnie, born May
3, i869, who was married August 29, i89i, to John Gesell, and has had one
Albert; Henry, born May i8, I87I, who was married May i8, I895, to Mary
Johannes, and has one child, Clarence; Laura, born June i6, i873, who died
April I7, i88o; Hattie, born September 19, i88i, who married Herman Paulus;
Edward, of Chicago, born March 3I, i883, who married Viola Kneupfer, and
has one child, Merle, born December 24, i908; and Albert, of Milwaukee, born
February 6, I885, who is an electrical engineer.
Mr. Goedjen has been more or less actively engaged in politics during his
whole life and during the years i88i and i882 his district conferred upon
the honor of 'election to the state assembly. Mr. Goedjen's fraternal connections
were confined to his membership in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
was on October 5, i9i1, that Mr. Goedjen passed out of this life, at the
age of
sixty-seven years, deeply mourned by his family and a wide circle of devoted
friends. Mrs. Goedjen, who had served as matron of the county asylum for
insane during his superintendency, is still holding the same position.
Lewis Reinhardt, who since I905 has resided on his farm in Newton town-
ship, was born in this county, June 25, I876, his parents being William and
gusta (Hummel) Reinhardt. The father was a native of Germany and on
coming to America settled in the city of Manitowoc, where for several years
he operated a pottery on Washington street. Afterward he purchased a farm
near Rapids and resided on the same until I882, when he purchased a saloon
the Calumet road, which he managed until his death, in i884. His wife, Au-