in the saloon business in Milwaukee for two years and in i9i0 he came to
and opened a saloon in this place.
On the I4th of June, I904, Mr. Schaller was married to Johanna Sanders,
who was born in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, August i6, i882, and is a daughter
of Peter and Johanna (Weiers) Sanders, who were farming people living near
Sheboygan Falls. Both, however, have passed away, the former dying at the
age of seventy-seven years and the latter when sixty-seven years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Schaller have been born two children: Peter, a little lad of
summers; and Loretta, aged two. Mr. and Mrs. Schaller were reared in the
Catholic faith and are members of that church. He leads a quiet life, taking
no active part in politics or fraternal affairs, concentrating his energies
the upbuilding of his business.
Albert F. Wagenknecht, who is engaged in the profession of teaching, makes
his home in Schleswig township, and is furthermore known as an official of
locality, filling the office of town clerk. He was born April 28, I879, in
the vil-
lage of Kiel, a son of Ferdinand H. Wagenknecht, a cheese manufacturer of
Schleswig township, who was born August 22, 1853, in Pommern, Germany.
His father was Heinrich Wagenknecht, who came to America with his family
in 1856 and located on what is now known as the old homestead farm of the
Wagenknecht family. There he carried on general agricultural pursuits through-
out the remainder of his life although in his native land he had learned
stone mason's trade. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Wilhelmina Roese-
burg, died in I897 at the age of seventy-four years. She had long survived
husband who passed away in I878 at the age of fifty-three.
Ferdinand H. Wagenknecht, their son and the father of Albert F. Wagen-
knecht, was but three years of age when brought to the United States by his
parents. In his boyhood days he worked upon the home farm and ere attaining
his majority also learned the carpenter's trade. This he followed until i88i
when he established a creamery and cheese manufactory on the old homestead
place. That business occupied his time and claimed his energies until he
aside business cares. He is now living retired in the enjoyment of well earned
rest, and is the possessor of a comfortable competence which came to him
his unfaltering industry and intelligently directed effort. He married Minnie
Mog and they became parents of three children: Gustav, who is living in Kiel;
Laura, a resident of Chicago; and Albert F., who is the eldest. Mrs. Wagen-
knecht was born March i8, I854, in Sheboygan county, and is a daughter of
Peter and Frederica (Wehrman) Mog, who were natives of Prussia, Germany.
Thus in both the paternal and maternal lines Albert F. Wagenknecht comes
of good old German ancestry. In the acquirement of his education he attended
the Kiel high school and also spent one year as a pupil in the Oshkosh Normal
School. He afterward took up the profession of teaching which he followed
in the district schools for fourteen years. Later he came to Millhome and
now the teacher in district No. 6. At the same time he engages to some extent