i895-Mayor, William Luebke; treasurer, Henry Hansen; clerk, William
i896-Mayor, Louis Zander; treasurer, John Moseler; clerk, F. Althen.
i897-Mayor, Peter Gagnon; treasurer, John MIoseler clerk, F. Althen.
i8g8-Mayor, Peter Gagnon; treasurer, John Moseler; clerk, A. B. Leyse.
i8gg-Igoo-Mayor, Peter Gagnon; treasurer, John Moseler; clerk, A. B.
i9oi-04-Mayor, Peter Schroeder; treasurer, John Moseler; clerk, J. L.
I905-o9-Mayor, D. John R. Currens; treasurer, John Moseler; i904-09-
Clerk, John G.- Weilep.
1909-12-Mayor, Conrad Baetz; I9I2-Treasurer, John Koch; I909-I2-
Clerk, J. L. Klein.
The mail facilities of Two Rivers do not come up to the needs or deserts
her people. The mails do not come direct to the office here, but must first
cleared from the Manitowoc office and that means a loss of valuable time.
ever, things in this regard have improved as the years have gone by. Since
first office was opened in the late summer of i848, when the receipts did
amount to fifty dollars for the fiscal year and the postmaster carried the
in his coat pockets, a revolution, yes, -several of them, have taken place
in the
United States postal service and its receipts. The receipts of this office
for the
past fiscal year were $II,463.38, and the number of domestic money orders
5,74I for the same period, covering the sum of $34,644.03. The amount paid
out on money orders for the year was $i5,352.97.
The free delivery of mails was established in this city November i, 190,
which time three carriers were appointed. The number has not been increased.
Rural free delivery was established from this office September i, i904, with
routes and three carriers, which condition obtains at the present time.
The first postmaster at Two Rivers was Henry A. Tefft, who was commis-
sioned August IO, i848. He was the first regular Federal official, although
Andrew Vieau and H. H. Smith, by some authority handled whatever mail came
to this point prior to that time. Tefft's successors follow in their order:
Hezekiah H. Smith, May 30, i849; Joseph N. Fisher, March 3, 185I; Charles
B. Daggart, December 27, i853; B. J. Van Valkenburgh, March I4, I855; Charles
B. Daggart, April 26, I855; Amos C. Billings, MZfarch 30, I86i; Lyman H.
lips, August 27, i863; James A. Bemis, February 21, i866; William Conine,
October 26, i869; Urbaine Niquette, January I3, i886; William Hurst, Septem-
ber 25, i889; George H. Wehausen, April I4, I894; Frank E. Riley, March 3I,
1898. The last named is the present incumbent.
The Bank of Two Rivers, organized in i89i, and incorporated in i895, under
the state laws pertaining to banking, had, among its first stockholders David
Decker, Edward Decker, J. E. Hamilton, Charles E. Mueller, Leopold Mann,