the services of one who has been so uniformly kind, social and obliging in
performing in so business-like and correct a manner the many intricate and
sometimes disagreeable duties of your late position. It is not necessary
to say that you have exercised ability, for that has always been eulogized
those above you in your own department, but for the satisfactory manner to
in which you have performed your duty, we cannot let pass without thanking
you. We shall not soon forget the genial smile and accommodating spirit,
even in our extremest hardships, you always exercised and wve sincerely hope
that in your retirement to private life happiness and success may always

H. C. Hobart, Lieut. Col.
0. P. Clinton, Chaplain.
B. C. Butt, Apt. Surgeon.
J. Howard Jenkins, Adjutant.
M. H. Fitch, Major.
James T. Reeve, Surgeon.
C. N. Paine, Capt. Co. B.
Hiram Rupell, ist Lieut. Co. B.
Henry Turner, Capt. Co. D.
Fred. W. Borcherdt, ist Lieut. Co. D.
I. Henry Otto, 2d Lieut. Co. D.
R. J. Weisbrod, Captain Co. E.
Chas. F. Weston, 2d Lieut. Co. E.
Milton Ewen, Capt. Co. F.
Chas. H. Morgan, 2d Lieut. Co. F.
Martin L. Clark, 2d Lieut. Co. F.

J. M. Randall, Capt. Comdg. Co. G.
William L. Watson, ist Lieut. Co. G.
Alfred A. Harding, 2d Lieut. Co. G.
Wm. Wall, Capt. Co. C.
R. W. Jackson, ist Lieut. Co. C.
J. P. Ripell, Lieut. Co. C.
A. B. Smith, Lieut. Comdg. Co. I.
A. B. Brudish, 2d Lieut. Co. I.
Fred. G. Clark, Capt. Co. H.
Wm. A. Fargo, 2d Lieut. Co. H.
Hiram K. Edwards, ist Lieut. Co. A.
James E. Stuart, 2d Lieut. Co. B.
Sam'l N. Fernandez, Q. M. Sergt.
B. I. Van Valkenburgh, Sergt. Major.
Henry N. Hanson, Com. Sergt.
Ed. H. Gould, Hospt. Staff.

With his life cut short at the early age of thirty-seven years and only six-
teen years after he had left his home in the east and his removal to the
he left his impress in the community, socially, commercially, politically
and in
a military way.
It is a somewhat remarkable fact that in this year, I912, forty-eight years
after his death, his family still survives as he left them, his widow still
at Two Rivers, and all of his children are living. His children and grand-
children are now engaged in the manufacturing business at Two Rivers, a work
he undertook when he first came west sixty-four years ago.
Dr. Eugene Gates, who is now engaged in an extensive medical practice in
the city of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, was for a number of years well known as
an educator. He was born in Iowa county, Iowa, May 7, 1870, a son of Alonzo
E. and? Belinda (Sullivan) Gates. The surname Gates dates back to early Eng-
lish history anid was no doubt derived from the function of its first bearer-a
gate-keeper. The paternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch came
this country from England in the latter part of the eighteenth century and
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