      In your story I hope you will describe the positions you have 
filled, your duties in each, the names of persons and places, descrip- 
tions of early conditions, and anecdotes -- all that you possibly can. 
And especially dates, so that what you send can be combined with the 
accounts of others. You cannot put in too many dates. 
      What I want is anything you can tell, and all you will tell, told 
in your own way. Above all, I want a picture of your work year by year, 
and of the conditions under which it was done, the difficulties you 
had to face, the opposition or cooperation you met, and from whom, 
the friendly or hostile public sentiment of the time, and if it changed,

what made it change. In fact, you cannot give me anything that I will 
not be glad to have. I hope you will include the reason or influence 
that made you go into forestry. 
      Furthermore, I shall be immensely grateful for any information 
you can give me concerning collections of personal papers of your own 
or present or former members of the Forest Service -- letters, 
diaries, or whatever else -- that would properly form part of the 
historical material that will go to the Library of Congress for 
permanent preservation. 
      I thank you most heartily in advance for your help to your old 
Chief, who sends you his best appreciation and regards. 