V1. F. Tay1, -2 
the Zo  y         nor et r lf hys far boon ab to fIn u7 stipens 
or       mo   fwor his.  n pesonaity he ts so4l. w*mrtiveo itu not 
at all orwamatal. As one couldl   ter from hi. rnert, his aIndstr a 
sist   is v   grat atd I would tae his scientifie imsinaaln as at least 
         I11Took~a.       his mastor's in Soos&a here a yea  soand 
has ma* bw         ale.tMe wins on the ?w          *o Oro 
        demnsraio areMmarans qai,    osental oto,.)  Re worke hIs vw 
-hou   oolqog witho#) ~w~ot. I - now payin h~a ft     a mouth. Hesto 
roW to t   *a a projet of his own bt I have no f     to thus pr t him. 
I would " him tharougi grmde     and tai     so bgn a auws   at, projest,

     31"lor ts like Leo ant Aneronin Ia   fety p estaem,      an plot,

personality, and abot nok* aneck with then in scientific tmta~tion,     Ho

waits better then Le, an In s J t w    ridly ip    If h hat a 
field of his ova. go has  mied as a vlneteer      olin a projhet on rodent

down" to fot wa cover a  anther  the life histor of i   turtles 
and their status assa If w       opein   wies twoieeo   It 
would uvm~btodl be attractive tolosr 
     st e. &LAMe   1z Took his mastrsa ur 3   to in lav wan 
you 4      havehis wl"ASo to         Nesting W ts of the Ring- 
uesd. &eassat In Worthwest la.* Is t also    m-    w  of bwIntea's n
buletins "The North Bb-iihtes Usntor Urrttoy, I but     think pled a
oret   elt part   h2 It, 
     seroem to a  bhustookin fo e too *o rited  Iato te Clito 
Shool. HIs ha no Holoq until bw1nton too hla in bw. but b -w he hat 
a groat deal. im 81e  vb Io wa he hasa omi game awaer fow the     b     Ietlem

project In contr     Wiseasta, but the    has dtoplat u.s 1O of a bility
adjusting hissef to wrin with a wo of sni     Ia om.  In  rigt 
research wo, howeve    he Is toug      l at hme. 
     I mention Roesto becaus he has not besn altogether hvy     in his 
present assiposat and boom**e I have nothive to offer him, ove trael, towrt

his proposet doctorate r~soar,   Arigo rt**s him very      l~   possiliy
ihat moer than I to. 
     No sketch of Imwastro. would be co,1oet without mentioning Mrs, fetwan.rot

ih0 works with hIm,, Is an ecologist and gm  aaw   in her own riht, andt
In q 
vlew, has brilliant ability. 
     You an address IKmsrstrmo at besoda, Wisconsin, He w=14 be interested

only if osadeaml oredit Is involved toward a toctorate, He ts thoroughly
     I as sending an stra copy of this to you at 4untsvil~le 
                               Yours, .iaorey. 
*       ~Aldo L~so"l 
Angast IN 1936