617 MAVERICK BUILDING 
                   SAN ANTONIO,TEXAS 
                   May 27th, 1939. 
Professor Aldo Leopold 
New Soils Bldg., 
Madison, Wisc. 
Dear Mr. Leopold: 
             I understand from William Tucker 
that you, or your representative, will be here 
yo make a study of the wild turkey in the hill 
country of Texas. If I may be of any service 
to you during your visit or siay I hope you will 
feel free to call on me. 
             I have a ranch in the hill country 
seventy five miles north of San Antonio. You are 
at liberty to make your headquarters on this ranch 
while here. I have plenty of good saddle horses 
and other conveyances that you are welcome to use. 
I do not have as many turkey as some of the other 
ranches west of me, but it is only a few miles 
drive from my place right into the heart of the 
turkey country. However, I saw a nice flock of 
s all turkeys yesterday morning on the ranch. They 
were about the size of a barred rock frying chicken, 
and all but their mother flew into the highest 
trees available. 
              2he deer are also dropping their 
fawns at this time in this country. 
             Hope you will not hesitate to take 
advantage of the ahove offer if it will be of 
service to you and to mankind in the way of the 
conservation of at least a part of our wildlife 
             With kindest regards, I am