                                JUne 9, 1931. 
X.1. du Pont de Jmouiws & 0o. 
WDlear, Delawa*e 
              It would be   f'mtly appreelate4 If you oot4 
send mo Copies of your vT.alouS nuals oonoorned with 
fuseonservation and also if I mdght receive the oaues 
              It to natural, of course, that your eompay 
should be Interested in game *onservatiou, and I am wondA- 
in& if you are 'axryig on any work of a reaeeOh natuwre 
in 1regr  togae birds. We have some very~ soot,#problems 
   In this sotio  particularly in regard to  h  Sage  on , the 
Blue Grouse and the Ruffled Grouee. If it would be possible 
for you to cary on researh work in regard to one of thes 
birds I am sure that a satisfaotory arrangement m* ht be 
made whereby the Agiultural lipezrimnt Station the 
Orate Fish and Game Qoemissioner and your company might work 
together on a oooperative basis. 
                        Tory truly yours, 
                        (8)  o. Foryt 
                               rofessor of Forestr