September 11, 1933 
Mr. George A. Miller 
117 West 714th Stret 
w Tork City 
Dear Mr. Miller: 
     Te plans for the work of 
here are not yet oomplete, but 
the chair of g 
they will probably 
a. An elective course in farm game management 
   for students of the agricltural short 
b. A gruate seminar Ingm              nt theor 
   and technique,. 
a. Special research projects on Wisonsin game 
   through graduate fellowships. 
d. Ixtension work amone, Wisconsin fam groups 
   and county agnts, to be centered on special 
   demonstration areas. 
                I would be Interested to receive a copy of your 
plan for the development of agricultural counties or better 
still, the plan for a partiemlar county. I am )utting your 
name on mV mailing list for pmblications. 
Yours sincerely# 
         AIMO LEOPOLD 
         Game Manager 
man ement 