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                                            Lissoula, Lontana 
                                               iLay 8, 1934 
Professor Aldo Leopold, 
      University of Wisconsin, 
               dison, Wisconsin. 
Dear Professor Leopold: 
      There is an excellent opportunity right now to establish 
a "ederal 'ntelope Preserve on the present Sullivan Antelope 
Preserve in hLontana. 
      The enclosed copy of a ne s item prepared by me in 1952 
will give you some idea of the devel-oci-e-t, size and present 
status of the land used by this antelorwherd. 
      1Tr. Sullivan now wishes to see a -ermanent preserve made 
of that portion of his 28000 acre ranch that -he antelope use, for 
a number of very good reasons, among E;hich are: more permanent 
protection for the art.elope, more permanent ownersiip of the 
la d, cost of carrying 900 or more antelope is getting too great 
for one man to bear. 
      This is a very worthyproject for the eonservationists of 
the country to undertLke and knowing of your great interest in 
antelo-pe I am -.riting you with the thot thrat you might arouse 
sufficient enthusiasm arong the "poers that be" to put the 
project through. If you desire any further data on the herd 
or range, either Lr. Wnm. Sullivan, Square Butte, lontana, or 
mrnself will be glad to furnish it to you. 
                               Very truly yours,