Diamond Oreek (approx. 6 mi. fizing stream) About 5000 finglings

will be needed. 
          Oharaoter of stream: 
          (1) 2 to 6 feet wide. 6 in. deep in shallows to 4 ft. deep In 
               pools. CGrrent moderatly swift. 
           (3) Water cear mot of time. Ruddy during flood. 
           (3) water hard. 
           (4) Qold water. Trout have don   well. 
           (5)  vater freezes over in some places for short periods during

           (6) Depth of water flutuates oousiderably between rainy and dry

               seasons.  In very dry sesns the only water to be found is

               in pools but these never go dry. 
           (7) Source of water. "-8eepage &springs, 
           (a) Bottom of stream bed rocky and ýTavelly, 
           (9) Watershed, roug, steep, muntain., Cover: woodland, pine and

               alpine. soil rther coarse. 
          10) Z:l    amout of water ore.s and rushes rowing ia water. 
          (11) Fish in stream at present; It, trout. 
          (12) Ao othen aquatic animls. 
          (1ý6) No fish enemies, 
          (14) fair abundanoe of fish food as insects, otc. 
          (15) No diseased fish present* 
          (15) Raearks: ia inbow or speokled trout should be planted here.

          fingerlings for the two streams mentioned could be delivered to

MAgdalena. Can be distributed any time between May to October Iluive. 
Magdrlaea or point of delivery is about go miles from streams. State Gm 
Officials have equipment for handlingand mving fish from    ailroad point