Septamer 23, 1929 
Mr. R. E  . Marah 
Actin "zistant Forester 
Atlantic bDild! 
   bD 0. 
Deer bayl 
          My tot 1 acquintann with D.. Y, Kathews eeistz of 
about a half dy of ve  Psatl sfartor visit whe he me here snme 
three months ag  At that tim I f-vrnd Very flvorble Impxsioa 
of him. Re seems to have a penetrat1n minu4   lots cf dive, and O 
cellent JvArent. AA far is m acquait    with him perite of 
opInion T wo-ad co7idr hnI, rll qualified for the forest suvey pg 
Jet, and better qtlfed them any'oy I cg. thik of . the espr of 
the   ot o m!ht 'he r.dtly ivPIlrble. 
          It is lt my irpre~skn thpt Sn          rats him ver highly, 
Son also rates Grahe- sand Matthews 6, the tvroý bet u  t men ;t 
          My acquaintance with Annro ip haes4 on heav'n him spe 
on the Mlchigan ,nd S e  on two ociions ph   aboat a rlf 'das 
visit hith Ui nI~s       In ad.i tion I hAve bersý ~ a V  Iest ie
his woe. throiih lwe.oy. 
          T!here is no quertion in xW mind thit Andr-ws hnq exacutii 
eapaeity of an entirely sjecle order. He also rmatt 'ha,  ativeo 
iveness or he would neve have oarrt.4 thro4g    thr, two bliý jobs
he bas put on the wp in 11ichig, namely the laMd Svey V      te fTir 
owrganit ion. lncientalLy, I learnt that he receive4 a saCht    i als 
reewitly from the MAichbJ,ý Comiesios vhn he tor,' on the I&,nd
M Kone doubt abzut Anurey is ether 'he has the ia~nwation tc cr 
tbroxW-'-a   iik-e the rorest %wey. I lo rot mean tbythisto 1.mpv 
th*t I have tho sli 4est owince Inieetin any laok of 1ioatlos 
in  hort, he may have plenty of It.  I     ( ;ot thIkt 
lad ,urv~ey pro,,vesa that he hrav 1rmginat ion bec-ý--. th,.t ead
of it ma 
done by Lovejoy. 
          My acquaintsnoe with both Matthews androma     is too sItht 
o pe   t of a flat etatemat as to whih is the 
pos.   Either one of the is goin to ma a lot of *.els gowro 
421 (;homlstry -3uilding