File Ken tucky

  Zztincts fro  T   Grou" end. wild. Tuky of t'h* United Sttit,% a.
                            T" PWIX aafu.n 
         Teprairi hsz  or 'prairlo oh'cos   labaits the wester pririe* 
  fro lissitobe to mývthernT&    i Lola      an  fro Ohio to 
  The 'birds f southern Nzs ad. -olau    ar   nllsw and. dsrxe tu   the 
  comam 'bird. 
       In -wao  prairi hens roost on the ground in a tami covey, as does

  the ItýWi0 but iA winter,, in many seat iý)as they roos~t
in tins.   In the 
  fall teea covey c0QCZ5(8t In a p~k     after the ta~zian of ptarmigans
  crested quail. Prf.F.I,. L. DeSal Infrm  tbe writer tha~t at Ams ~vdr 
  La  the *oav) *ightie  he rquot~    found. Vpks nua~rIV4 as man as a thous

  sand. 'birds* and that they habitv1lly toostod. in the lon gr**  bri  sloWhs.

  Th  prail hen is migrtory in the northern part of its rug, and to a cerai

  extent t.,rthor wmth ales. IN& usoll-kno authority on migtiýA,
Prof. W. W. 
       In Xivfter and. ~Oteewe Ian* flocks of praliri chicken* om trom nartht

         era   soa*d. *etthern Vinnesoeta to settle for the *Inter in uorthemn
       ouri and. sothers Ioav. This mimtI.,n wanres in 1balk with the **verity
       the wintar. 
       Th evtlnwti,ý In which the bird is held. my he M.1lixs4 twosr
the faxt 
  that in 1002 the mupply at tfo r-z3 to 5 a- braceanowher met the deww.

       So rol ut ;t ocasio)aslly is it to fly thpt It can hardly be out,
up, and 
  ?r~fossor   ~e~  ,Infom the wrter tlwt ~sevra tie whi*le hunting i northern

  Vimeosots he saw a point izW do  Jup nd. apto* throefourths gr~w     ;aiw4
       At the beginm1r of the ninteenth centary the -prairie hen was extremly

SalvmAnt thmrhtout Ohiý vnd. Zntuak. It ts now rwoe in both statea,
A pert 
  of the grva  It 1has lost in the Lost It ha, Coinedty *a "etird. and
  movenat. It hias tellowed. the grain field~s of the pýiooee# of
the j~ain, avid. 
  with the vxtensi,)n of Cmin cultur into Minnesota and Manitoab it h&"
  plentifu  thin.   Accoring to Dr. Eatch it was by no mans common *e*a the