                     THE UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING 
                             LARAMIE, WYOMING 
                             A ril 18, 1975 
Professor Liao ieopold 
In Charge, Game Research 
University of lisconsin 
Miai son, 7isconsin 
Ny dear Lr. Leo -old: 
      You will orobably rerember tha t,   in Chicago I mncioncd   ...n 
about the work of !Tr. Ceorge Girard on c- o sage hen. T'at was on +    
Ty of the Convwtion. At that ti -e 'ou stated that you ni ht have sore su1-

gestion zs to ho': re could fiinueF Ai5 xTork For th2e co run- 2uer ina s'id

thnt you ioul I see ne later. You mry -ossibly reeobor    t T was appointed

on the Resolutions Coinittee whici was in session a larje nrt of t      
 ie tire 
from 4 o'clock Thursday aternoon until 11 o'clock Satur ay morning. I 
looked about for '-u several tins but was unable to find you. Pcrha s I 
should have tried to locate you throu h th'e 1hotel desk. 
      At any rate, I will be pleased to have you write -nd tell mi the suý-

gestion you had in mind. Yr. Girard made a verv consideroble nu-I,-r of ob-

serv-tions ori the habits and food of the 4.  e hen, and 4-1  ,or{ shoa]
ih  con- 
tinu-d for te comn    auruner iL at all ossible.    1t, it - ouldu be 
a very  mn t4-Linr if fe could be u1t+ ipu   tie field for t   - whole year.
.r. Girard does not have a distinctly r- search t:,ne fnu, K2 fors well 
m der direction, is intelliront ard i cf l      oo l c ct ni  a  ast -ount

of i oortant data. 
      I an very sorry that I misseCd sn i y you in Chicag -o. io--inF to
from you soon a.d nith hi hat regards, I --m 
7ro Yi 
ion I.T.L.A.