Ammriran (lamr Asoridation 
  "Anteiricas Oldest National Game Protective Organisation 
                               May 2, 1932 
Ar, J. 4Qaincey .ard 
Kentuoky Game and Ash Coision 
Frankfort, Ky., 
4dear Quincosy 
            I have your If        pril      d am glad to lote, 
tihat you think so hig     I e  14's'       of the North Cen- 
tral States* 
            We did     a     to mae any -money on the distri- 
bution of this volainin    fact we have spent considerably 
more than "   a    a seI  to get out of it as so many people 
do not seem           e      fioaoe of Survey    The 
wLotual dis     i On S  a     bemi entirely too wml. 
            is     e s-  d actually have #1.00 per copy, sines 
you want I   copies ii  make you a special price of 90" each 
and will-ha     ee a     d direct from tke printer. Let me k 
   yo8                t-er, 
              -m m!ghty sorry to learn that your recent sesslon 
 f the legi   tur, upset the p'an aopted in 1930 to a-sure tho 
 leation o        men for the Kentucky Ge and Fish Cois ion. 
    t1e       ror will undoubtedly select fine metaking it 
 y          ye   out the plan in vogue since 1930 would undoubt- 
 sly assure lees Political turnover and far better cooperation 
 fro the spotsen 
            'o your legislature expeots to get a bood big up 
 standing man to devote all of his time to the Job of executive 
 officer for $2500 Ter yew is beyond me. 
            At first blush it would se  that the learings bfore 
the  annte Coaitte early in -pril did not aecomplish ver much 
but in reality a great deal was ao     alhed. You will see m 
evaluation of those hearings In the Association's bulletin in the 
June issue of "Field and Stream," "Sports Afield" and
Life"' and other magazines.