  recommended that one such forest, of about 10,0CO acres, be established
  each County. Such forests are well suited to the demonstration of actual

  practical forestry. The Virginia people, accustomed as they are to utiliz-

  ing timber but not to producir-g it# may see these two activities combined

  on a permanent basis and apply the lessons thus learned to their own properties.

  The practie of forestry, once fully establishedý will insure the
state per- 
  manent industries based on locally produced r.aw materials. The annual
  duct, ion of each such individual forest can eventually support a permanent

  local industry capable of utilizing the equivalent of 10,000 board font
  lumber per day and thus make a substantial permanent contribution to the

  industrial life of the local community, in which it is established. 
  Providing for Game Refuges a-nd Public Hunting Grounds 
           The Virgiriia Forest Service wculd manage these proposed demonstra-

 tion forests, with the help of the Game and Inland Fisheries Commission,
 such a way as to assist materially in the maintenance of the supply of game

 and game fish, and at the same time to provide hunting and fishing grounds

 for the use of the public, An area four miles squa'e contains about 10,000

 acres.  It is proposed to utilize the central twenty-five per cent, or 
 about 2500 acres, as a game refuge, and the bordering seventy-five per cent,

 or about 7500 acres, as hunting and fishing grounds.  It is believed that

 this arra.ngement would not only effectua.Lly prevent the uydue reduction
 giune on the individual demonstration forest, but would also provide an
 flow sufficient to substantially increase the game population of the surround-

 ing country. This provision for public shooting grourns, covering rpprox-

 imately twelve square miles of each demonstration forest, would make it

 possible for the citizen who does not own wild Lands and who does nt wish

 to trespnss upon the lands of others tr hunt or fish as a public right aud
