M arh1, 1947 
V'r. V. I.V egao 
Dar Jeasu 
Twaks for aowwortig me on the goatwed vs. rawed. I dldn't see 
any dead raged, and that bothred m, bit your letter oloars thim up, 
lim delihted that the reunnmt of lions is to be kept. I t4c k you 
will not regrt it, 
As to baws, I ai only too well aware of how slowly            comes. 
* main Inngruity in W nind was the oontiw      e of rantor control 
under topheavy  naittqes in both quail and turkey. Ho-wMer I eannot 
spoak too loudly on this, for T Ws"If pot hippreextured into assenting

to a vif bomtv in 'iesonsin on a raywe to-aieav (&nd ten soom) with 
deer. Vorse still the timber wolf is neaiy extint. I mention this 
only to shows are all in the sdne boat, 
As to rqdents, I did not 9sm  ymi would pt Atial control from 
prodators. I wie;ý It were as simpýle :as tha~t,  Hy us imnion
vus that 
predators mIhi help  sidwat. I am much interested in yww ob-erva- 
tion on what c   cntrol. Tne re3ation of 4kre'bits to nlant 
msesion eooka well with ti* Arizorv stit-Aes. 
how to get our beargst   the abovi tniIs ar detrils; tlhe big tidný
that the Xing 1i  is one of the best Jobs of wildlife rtsttstion on 
th@e ontinent and has almat unpr4alleled opport-n tie. for oth% 
ment anA research, ktill more      prtta It i3 a gv aong nur-lA 
areas ad must oe kept Intact, Any t~im I oan help toward preserving 
and realizing these vatlues, I ami yours to coesnan& 
                                     Beat regards,