(A) 2stablishnment of refuges and areas on which

wildlife will receive preferential treatment. 
                        (B) Control of hunting to adjust the annual take

to the annual surplus available. 
                        (C) Control of unnatural mortality through predator

and disease control, etc. 
                        (D) Improvement and control of food and water 
                        (E) Improvement and control of cover and breeding

grounds, etc. 
                        (F) Restocking with exterminated native species 
and introducing non-native species. 
                             This section of the plan should include: 
                                 1. General description of each of the 
major operations proposed. 
                                 2. The allocation of responsibility for

executing these operations among the various agencies concerned Yith the

management of portionz of the unit. 
                   (f) Maps. 'ach plan should be accompanied by one or more

maps which vwll adequately illustrate the various points brought out in the

narrative portion of the plan. 
               2. Plans for management units and work projects. A separate

plan should be prepared for each Soil Conservation Service demonstration
and work project. It should outline all the activities concerned with the

management of wildlife on the area. All operations contemplated on the man-

agement units should be in con'formity with the master plans for the natural

unit.   The following sections should be included: 
                   (a) Recapitulation of data obtained from the fact find-

ing surveys. This section of the plan should contain a condcnsod review 
and analysis of all the data pertinent to the area to which the plan applies.

                    (b) Relation of the area and its wildlife population

to the surrounding country. In developing a plan for the management of the

wildlife on any area, consideration should be given both to the area itself

and to the section in general. For example, in planning rodent control oper-
