IJv Sails D   didng 
                                               JamarY "o 1935 
Mr. Charles Elton 
University  ue 
Oxford,   gland 
Dear JR.ton:| 
          I am daippoiinted to learn. that your tmerican trip 
is called off. 
          I was deliitohd wvith 1i4dletonas paper onceles in the 
current ammber of the Journal. If MHidleton has any separates 
of this, I Tould mudh appreiate receiving two or three, or, if 
the toly is abundant, a doze. The larger mmbe vyould be for 
the librqwies of a seattered group of students in ga, ecology 
whoam I = tryin  to keep supt,1end with literature. Their institu- 
tions often cannot afford to take all the periodicals, -_nd hence 
they Wnot see the Journal. 
          Inonneotion mith your re    est to the Rockefeller and 
Carnegie peope, there mtigt be a chanoe for the National Research 
Council ComAttee on Wild Life Studies to put in an oar. If you 
can ever use our comittee in s     a manner, do not hesitate to 
call on meo beouse it is of obvious importance to the development 
of our mibject to get you over here as often as possible, 
                          Yours sineerell, 
                                    Aldo Leopold 
                               In Charge, Game Research