Copy of letter dated July 27, 1931, by Mr. H. L. Moreland, Secretary, 
Oreg6n State Game Commission, 616 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Oregon, 
to E.I. duPont deNemours & Co*, Wilmington, Del., marked for atten- 
tion of Game Research Division. 
"The Oregon State Game Commission, at its meeting held on June 15th,

adopted an extensive scientific and educational program, excerpts 
of which are attached hereto. 
We are very desirous of securing the assistance of Mr. Aldo Leopold 
and will greatly appreciate it if his services might be assigned 
to Oregon. We are greatly in need of such services as Mr. Leopold 
might render and will appreciate an early reply. 
Knowing that the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Mmufacturerst In- 
stitute is very much interested in this work, we believe it wou.d 
alas be to their advantage to have Mr. Leopold come here. 
This letter was supposed to have been sent to you sometime ago, 
but evidently was overlooked. 
Thanking you for your kind attention and an early reply, we are" 
Copy of letter dated July 30, 1931, by Mr. L.W.T. Waller, Jr., 
of E.I.duPont doNemours & Company, to Oregon State Game Commission. 
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of July 27th reqaesting the

services of Mr. Leopold to make a survey for the State of Oregon. 
Mr. Leopold is employed by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manu- 
facturers' Institute of which this Company is a member, and we 
therefore have not the vathority to amthorize Mr. Leopold to do 
this work. 
I an forwarding your correspondence to the Secretary of the Sporting 
Arms and Ammunition M1nufacturers' Institute, Mr. C. Stevart Comeaux, 
so that it can be brought to the attention of the Game Committee at 
their next meeting. 
I think it iruld be desirable for you to communicate with the sec- 
retary of the above institute direct and I believe that it is 
possible your rewest may receive favorable action, but I also be- 
lieve it vwuld be advisable for you to undertake Mr. Leopoldts ex- 
penses during the time that he is on this work."