HE objective is to have in North 
      Carolina the best game bird -shooting 
      in the United States- 
    Primarily because of the money it will 
bring into the State; helping the farmers and 
other land owners to make land more valuable; 
giving  employment to     many; attracting 
Sportsmen and frequently their families to the 
State; securing for various industries the 
money these will spend on their visits. 
    Next because North Carolina has an am- 
bition to grow in importance. Here is an op- 
portunity. The business of having plenty of 
game birds is now stupidly handled by nearly 
every State. In Great Britain it is a science 
and has been fqr a century. They get ten 
millions a year as rentals for Scotch moors, 
valueless for any other purpose bat grouse 
shooting. Their game birds owing to war 
conditions, decreased until in 1919 they had 
only 10 per cent of the former supply. Using 
tlcir o12, well tested methods to increase game 
birds they, in six shoi-t years, put the supply 
back to normal-an increase of 900 per cent. 
And that old game bi:d industry was again 
flourishing--making money for a lot of peo- 
ple-giving employment to many, pleasure and 
out-door enjoyment to men of moderate means 
as well as to those wealthy-game birds as 
food for all at poultry prices. 
    The game keepeirs and the game farms 
went back on the job--using the same old 
methods as had been employed for over a cen- 
tury. No "sob-sisters" or professional "game 
savers" saying "Save our game birds from 
extinction. Cut down the seasons. Reduce 
the bag limit". No theories. No new laws. 
Merely using common sense. 
    -They'bred and released game birds. They 
killed off the vermin which had increased 
through necessary neglect of this problem 
du:-ing the war. They increased the number