A Wisoonsin Bpeeimez of the CoUgar (Yells oeaugar Ksr. )t-* 
          The Neenah and Menasha gg          Doe. 17, 185j, 
states that 5auel P, Tirt of Vpleton k.1ild a "hue panther* 
n Nov, 2d. The Aplet                 Deo, 12, 1807, carris 
a ir     t   iaj aaoount of the event.   3nl. Hart, with 
a neighbor, was searchin for a colt when his dog treed the 
*. The animal          asud seven feet and two inohes in 
length. "Two of his tusks, one of the upper and the other 
of the lower jaw, were brokn off, and had apparently been 
gone for several years. The other two tusks were vory 
larce but muoh worn." The speoinen was mounted by "Prof..,ason

and Dr. Beach". An aoo*panying artiole) on "Lawrence 
University Cabinet" states; "As you enter the room the 
first objeot that attrnats attention ins the Panther reoently 
transferred frm a savage roaming life.to one more congenial 
to the wishoes of the people*. 
          On inquiry, Prof. W4ter E. Rogers, of Lawrence 
College, informed me that the speolmon is still in existence 
and measues 27 inches in height at the shoulders tan 85 
inohes in length from the end of the nose to the tip of 
the tail. The, card acomorpanying the specinen reads aS 
          "Keilld bt Mr. Reese in l"S on the Randall F-rm, 
two miles north east of Appleton. He was searehIng for a