Ne   Soils Buildin 
                                       7ebwriar 1.3, 193~4 
Professor Dr, Oscar De B3ux 
Curator of th  Civic Musmw of Jatursi History 
*Doa, Ita1l 
Dear Sirt 
          I hav. read with ery intense interest the English 
trnltion of      r peper, 1iollogoal Ethios", You will 
undrtand the reason fbr Lq interst when you read     at- 
tached pi~per an the a. ubjeot. T need hardly WW that you 
can count npon n buwtfelt sapport for the line of thinking 
you advaeoe in your p 
          I borrowe  th copy# wb6i  I have reAd from Mr. 
H   8yes Lloyd of Ottaw,  I mver e a nxue, ineed to obtain 
a cop of your paper for y librry,. Uan you .eA me one?       I 
would appreoiate receiving any farther oontributons from your 
pen along st.ilar lines. 
                                    Yours sincerely, 
                                       ALJo LUOPOLf 
                                    In C      Game Reearh