coils ~13dO 
David A Av7alrd                               Feb. 20, 1933 
Maus. 1h    , Game As, atiOn 
D~ea-r )ava? 
          in -Ancorlarjce %ith your remainexr I subint the following 
account o7 my exe:sese incident to speal1d   at your metig on 
Feb.Il. On the Way  Tc I made a trip to 7Wýahngton and Pittsbum 
on ry ovai & ut,   L at I am %Umly doublinr the exense of 
reachig ]23owtton in ordor nt to oharre you with this extraneous 
Yeb. F: ticket I r7n t "st.                  . 
  Pý-b (, ber-th. -11 -,ieo to (lloag11on         9 .***300 
        Ir       -on ei rv o....  .*............. 3.00 
Feb. 9: beh    -A  'o  o    . .................... 9.00 
    We.I Iaoe  t ipo eo .. * ...*99................... 7.00 
       uea ... .,t ............-......-- 3.00 
Retun- 'ri-  zrd  :ao ,r, ttl -',to re ot...... 
    In my letter to Dr. 2iillips of SPt. 29 I estimated the 
*xenie at $IQOQ 7 do not feel that I rendsrel you a -reat 
deal of serivce at he etn,     I would be atisfie to have you 
raund the uatter off at IO. 
    I orye   t-hs ,hana  to gest   better acquainted with you andi I 
ho-Pe o-ur trailsi -ill roross frequmintly. 11ith kind rerards- 
                          Yours sincerely 
A140 Leopold