heo Z"4 111tMaUM 
      ClubN&D. Cn yo  pu  don o a county S&  the nm... a1oeatIOu6."
   Un4  $ 
           s t ubs? t he  lub aras are lag.the map Wou         also ahoe

ro                 s o  each holdin. Dat on what cbs are doing to im- 
prove their holding are also deusire. 
Y      aaat is the perQentag             of posted Came in ropreseen 
WielI landowers                   se land to ehubo, what are the pro- 
vailing rental*   rot & ?  fa mes s.e1 shooting pivileges 'to I vi4-

uals, wht a"e thepevailig wates pee    r man per 4*1 
&*           a. t individuals o eopaes are ntersted4 in raising gam 
   cp   ana spemenal s    e of reveue? (ow Instanos; Lmber companeo 
wishing to develp a& &         a4junct to forestry operatin) 
et                e s have  aayglA thing notablo in gace e rvation on 
their farm? 
What are the ns, pogaam, fotee.s and pald-up memberships of vol-' 
antary Crgunizations devota4 to uAwe oamervatioa, forestry~t fir#-rvoR. 
tioe, watershed conservtion, range aonsvationa bird study, Same farminS.

drainage# ra sort -dvelopie t, or asy other activity on Smne? 
Vhieh have oone we specal euati onal          baartsL on wosorvatitea 
Vhat sotentfl e and tachoiniel men 5a your #      ta   an aotive part An

suab eanse .'attoa rntis 
Have you any local county ed4cational Uitoratuw en gums? S*u    y     leos.

What lcal   wspapers or period41 eal  are espeoial2.7 Itrsted in ga"T

Vhat county agents or agrioulttwe *zteoeiona agenies, ae intereated in 6s1a?

What e4d.oationa4 and research ins titutons are aetivo in natural hisotry

rwsearhk, or offer eouroeo in       manageet, forestry,. ap'ioul1tuwes 
lumbertngo or other forms of hInd use? 
What iadividuals An the fcu4tiea of suh inatittutions are most interested

in gin#? 
Mat are the boks  theses, bulletin*, or reports on ~ame avaiable or 1;4 
What fllowshi;p are available for helping to finance geme research? 
Are there any! anteiit oraithologists or naturalists capable of volunteer

resarehee or eobseraties on ae? 
Does your ounty game do         t ask the University for research en the

natu:ral his tory qetlns it cannot answer? Des It apply the results of 
research whtn &v      to game admuaistratien7