as it shall accrue, on each and every bond issued under the pro- 
visions of this Act, and also to pay and discharge the principal 
of such bonds at par value, as such bonds respectively'fall due; 
and the respective amounts of such direct annual tax shall be 
appropriated for that specific purpose. The required rate of such 
direct annual tax shall be fixed each year by the officers charged 
by law with fixing the rate for State taxes on the valuation of 
real and personal property in this State subject to taxation, in 
accordance with the provisions of the Statute in such cases. How- 
ever, if money from other sources of revenue has been appropraited 
and set apart for the same purpose for which said direct annual 
tax is hereby levied and imposed, then said officers shall, in fix- 
ing said rate of said direct annual tax, make proper allowance and 
reduction for any such money so appropraited and set apart from 
other sources of revenue. Said direct annual tax shall be, and it 
is hereby levied and imposed as herein provided, and such direct 
annual tax shall be assessed, levied and coflected in the same 
manner prescribed by law in the case of general State taxes, and 
shall be paid into the treasury of the State by the officers 
legally entrusted with the duty of collecting and accounting for. 
general State taxes. No such direct annual tax, however, shall be 
levied for any year in which a sufficient amount of money from 
other sources of revenue has been appropriated and set ap!rt to 
pay the interest qs it shall accrue on smid bonds for that year 
and also to pay and discharge the principal of any of said bonds 
falling due during such year. 
        12. This Act authorizing the State to contract the debt 
 for the purchase set forth herein, and as an evidence of such debt, 
 to issue bonds of the State of Illinois to the amount of fourteen 
 million dollars (ql4,000,000.00) and providing that in case other 
 sources of revenue are sufficient no direct tax shall be levied 
 but in case such other sources of revenue are insufficient any 
 deficiency shall be raised by a direct annual tax and levying a 
 direct annuaol tax sufficient to pay the interest on such bonds, as 
 such interest shall accrue, and also to pay and discharge the 
 principal of such bonds at par value, as such bonds respectively 
 fall due, but providing that such payments may be first made from 
 other sources of revenue, shall be submitted to the People of this 
 State at the general election to be held on Tuesday next after the 
 first Monday of November, A. D. 1930; said Act shall be so sub- 
 mitted on a separate ballot, which shall be in substantially the 
 following form: 
                 GROUNDS BALLOT) 
Shall an Act of the General Assembly of Illinois 
entitled, "An Act in relation to the acquisition 
and establishment by the State of Illinois of a 
State-wide system of conservation and forest pre- 
serves and public recreation grounds, and the pro- 
visions of means for the payment of the cost there- 
of by P n issue of bonds of the State of Illinois," 
which in substance provides for the acquisition and 
establishment by the State of Illinois, acting 
through its Department of Conservation, upon rec- 
ommendation of a special board of seven members, 
subject to the Governor's approval, of a State-wide 
system of conservation and forest preserves and pub- 
lic recreation grounds; sets aside 25% of such 
grounds for sanctuaries for song and game birds and 
wild animals and, to be reforested: 10% of such 
grounds for camping, hiking, picnicking and general 
outdoor recreational purposes, the remainder to be 
open for fishing and hunting; gives the Department 
full power to execute the Act; provides for control, 
maintenance and regulation; authorizes the State to 
contract a debt for such purpose and to issue 
tl4,000,000,00 of serial bonds, bearing interest at 
not to exceed four per cent, not more than $1,400,000 
00 worth of such bonds to be sold in any fiscal year; 