           a conmittee omposed of J. L. Perrin, State Supervisor of 
           Agricultural Ecucation, a representative of the Conservation 
           Coemmssison and a third member to be selected by those two, is
                for the purpose of supervising, administering, and granting
           to high school clubss a ceumittee consisting of a member of the
           eduegtional systems familiar with this type of works a representative

           of the Conservation Comaission, and a third mber to be selected
           those two, is hereby created. 
 (2) Uraduate Research at the Univorsit of Missouri 
           There is hereby created at the University of Missouri, two Research

      Fellowships to be known as the Edward K. Love Research Felloships,
in the 
      annual amount of $500.00 eachi said Fellwaships to be awarded to outstanding

      students in wildlife conservation, with preference to be given te graduates

      of accredited Missouri collegesi one such Fellow to work on problems
      aquatic biology and the other to work upon problems referring particularly

      to fur-bearing species. The selection of candidates for said Fellowships

      to be vested in the Administrative Committee already established at
      University of Missouri and which is in charge of the existing Research
          The basis of selection of said Fellow to be (1) academic background

     and records (2) outdoor interest and background and (3) personal qualifica-

     tions. The object of the creation of said fellowships is to train leaders

     in wildlife management and conservation. 
     For the general setting up of the awards, scholarships and fellowships

hereinbefore provided, and for the working out of the details of competition