0-         Prof.' V.' Generosoff. 
                   2? , Nadezdinskaya street.' 
                           Leningrad. (14); U.S.Z.P. 
                                          February  E rd ,1924 
                    Mr. Aldo Leopold 
                        University of Wisconsin. 
                             College of Agriculture 
                                Dept of A:!ricultural Economics 
                                New eois Bldg . 
                                                  NIADIZO .' Wisc.* USA.*

                   Dear Mr. Leopold 
                     Your kind letter of november 24 was duly received 
            Now 1 am in the receipt of your Report on a Came Survey ,nd 
            1 read it with !reat pleasure , as i am promoting now the 
            Census of the waterfowl ir my country . in settled reions 
            and toundra districts # Therefore , the methods of the water-

            fowl  gld of papplng their suDplies nad their food,cover and

            nestln; resources 4 are ef ;reat interest to me 
            (I)      Permit me to botcher you by askini to let me know the

            titles and authors of books on the methods of waterfowl Cenus,

            as it is practiced in the USA and Can ada .Xindly give rLe few

            addresses of the game investi'atos *ho were 
                                            ,1 howr exp erimenting 
              with the waterfowl survey 
           (2)      Did any body try to improve the NPISTFC conditions 
           of the waterfowl ,maiijl, for shoal water ducks , by +eans of

           artificial nests and covers and what Ware the results ? 
           (3)      If possible, let me have Your article ,Principles of

           aGame Mianagement   Ejaprint from the .American Came ; 1o0 
                    Thankin ,You in advance , for yogW kind assistunce, 
                       I remain, 
Very tru