r.hvuary 6, 1935 
Mr. C. S       Yorweste 
Dea Mrwon 
We o not have     standarised tr   -e  tm   plan in Wiscosnn ad4 
this, I think, aooants o to he~ prgrss whic has bso md here. I 
think suh   plas met evlemby   at     trial m5 error not  . and 
that is~ the policy w hav, hewe followed. 
No two ot the Wisonsin are are tying th*e   plans bt thsm 
411 alike In certais particals,    ln (1) all cll for posti       and 
personal pomtoston to    , either from the frmers or s    bod 
riprmsonting a w1gboitood of trers, (2) a1 fix the resonsibility 
tow tood and cover 4Welopmmt os the Individnal taner, but he =W 
be offered laboro mnaterals, ted. wirte, or other help from pblic 
agencies asi (3) e   are has a detnlite Ulit of kill tiomd by 
vote of the amer gr   , W and with technicl Mvios from som pli 
The arm~s diffew as to *.4ther or sot tbqW aarse for hunting ticketal, 
how the r      io distribute, and aiso the size of the uit* which 
ostltute th             d      . 
Nose rely on sp@7t0's 5org nizations to do       actual work, slthbou 
several have. wod  arrum~ents with gwal private groups of spots- 
The only arm   ih has bn written up In print is escribed. in the 
following artioal tH"Ipi  Ouselves, b Aldo. Leopoland Rmhbo J. 
Poulson   1.14el  & Strom, Augat, l934. 
Mr. Xn~est Holit of theo Coos Valley Soils Arwios Project has started. 
to owganst tarmer grops and I am or would be glad to tell you 
directly about his experience, 
                                      Aldo Leopold 
                                 In Chro 0m    bsse~r*