Jan 5 v 1932 
         I qmreatat. vqv -uf naclyn       the reprits,a  particuarly 
the on anotftdo 41sasaes whic  I have rea with & grent deal of 
   inteoO.I takeI tht  it vw~ wrtteon porwtis to tbe Msta 
   *onfsr~n ~0. twnno t *oRtf~n9 seovar1n "I1fle itemqwhich I had 
report of an W1ide*, amon pas     e  -pigeons. I)have longssp 
that -om disas  my have playedat leasta*scnaypatI       hi 
exteriai~ on. Your mstion of a disease inVrpa        wo zo 
     ftrhe sroothsthe plaui#bility of sth a thoy 
         In the evet tht yo are plettIlly suppltie with reprints. 
I would lik to bave fly. oxtrn of thite   ", for m7Folows     If 
reprints r aft. e hmv*., T will as, that th    Fellows get to rea 
it in some otherway. 
           Dr.Gren-m I attende t  Game Oonformeo in Now York 
In  eeme   and luce with Dr. Blair. T    ha curious acciden 
         Th mst imoran nw     from my standpoint fro ovrhei 
is that tbe Institemto kasdisoouti.    t  game fellowshps after 
next J~uly 1. 1 myself tomR5Mto my empoyen with the on April 1. 
I am trying to induc  the NationalJ Rusearc  om    to take up my 
sort of activity. but as yet I bae no wa of knowing how t    sg 
gestion will be receive. 
         At ths present time I am mad    a now surve of Iowa and 
hope to have a laygs mass of pop~ation density data to send yo 
within a few months. 
        .At any tim yo have an piepo~ts of getting back to this 
  counryI would be -yr glad If you would~ lot me kmw.